The Animal Alliance Series is a Children's Picture Book Series, consisting of 12 short stories. With dynamic rhymes throughout and bright engaging illustrations, the stories capture the reader’s attention from the start and make the books an entertaining experience for both adults and children.
The four main characters are Henry the Hedgehog (France-Earth), Shu the Snake (China-Fire), Oleg the Owl (Russia-Air) and Delma the Dolphin (Amazon River-Water) and they all experience different challenges in their little worlds. By getting stronger through personal growth, they find new ways to do their best and help improve the world around them.
Each volume addresses a different moral value such as honesty, perseverance, tolerance, courage, compassion, and others. The questionnaire in each book serves as anchor point for reflection and conversation about the content and it’s meaning.
The entertaining yet educational format is suitable for children of all ages and free of confrontational content.
Stay tuned via Facebook & Instagram @bellybuttonbooks
The four main characters are Henry the Hedgehog (France-Earth), Shu the Snake (China-Fire), Oleg the Owl (Russia-Air) and Delma the Dolphin (Amazon River-Water) and they all experience different challenges in their little worlds. By getting stronger through personal growth, they find new ways to do their best and help improve the world around them.
Each volume addresses a different moral value such as honesty, perseverance, tolerance, courage, compassion, and others. The questionnaire in each book serves as anchor point for reflection and conversation about the content and it’s meaning.
The entertaining yet educational format is suitable for children of all ages and free of confrontational content.
Stay tuned via Facebook & Instagram @bellybuttonbooks